Equs Chess

-Ludic (Jianying Ji)


This is a not-quite-modest variant, that I am throwing out there for you to critique. The main idea here is to have a very egalitarian game where all the pieces are equally powerful. To be specific all the pieces have roughly knightish values. To accomplish this the following substitutions are made:


Half Rook

  • brook4.png Rook is replaced with the halfrook that only slides up to four squares. For those using Alfeary set, use this: bhalfrook.gif

Half Rook moves as captures as below.


True Knight

  • bknight.gif Knight remains the same as FIDE. The name true knight is a play on ‘fide’ as in ‘fidelis’

True Bishop

  • bbishop.gif Bishop also remains true to FIDE

Guardian Queen

  • bqueen1.png Queen is replace by Q1 that can move only one space in each direction. For those using Alfeary set use: bguard.gif

The name is for the fact it moves as a guard, as follows:


Fuddly King

  • bkingfD.png King now has a fD added to its FIDE move allowing it to jump over a square, whether attacked or not. This is in compensation for king's royalty status which restricts its movements.

In below the orange and the cyan circle denote where the respective fuddly kings can leap to. The square leaped over is not important, it can be attacked or even occupied. The Blue and white circles are where they can step to.


Double Pawn

  • bdblpawn.png Pawn is replaced by double move pawn that can make up to two consecutive pawn moves, anytime. So the pawn can either make one pawn move, that is one noncapturing move forward or a capturing move diagonally forward, or make two pawn moves making two capturing moves, two noncapturing moves or one of each kind. Direction change is allowed.

Special Moves


Castling remain the same as FIDE. King move two toward rook, rook leap to the other side of king. Both pieces having being unmoved, and king not start, move through or end in check. Centering the rook is more important in Equs than FIDE, because a centered rook is more powerful than a rook in the corner; and a rook in the middle of the board is more powerful still.



En passant

As a counter-balance to pawn's mobility, the en passant becomes more common as well. To capture en passant, use a capture move of a pawn to move to a space where an opposing pawn move to as first half of a double move.


When a double move pawn enters farthest rank from the player, it must promote. The double move pawns promote to any captured non-pawn pieces. If no non-pawn piece exist to promote to, then the double move pawn, may not move to the last row.


As FIDE, the object is to checkmate the king.


Below is the layout using black and white pieces



With the mobility of the pawns there maybe an even greater advantage to first player. To address this, second player has a number of restricts that could be use to restrain the first player's pawns. As yet they are not tested, so there use are only adviced.

Alternate diagrams

In the spirit of the game, instead having one side black, the other white. The two side could be of all one color oriented 180o with respect to each other. Also the board rotated 90o, so that the two sides are East and West.


Strategic hints

  • King is weakest in opponent's teritory, strive to drive opponent's king into your territory and smother it.
  • Pawns has choke points, where opposing pawns can threaten enpassant if they move. So use them to suffocate the opposing pawns.
  • Always look for opportunities for strategic exchanges, since pieces are roughly equal valued, position is everything.
To Do for Equs Chess
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