Diagram 1 - 128 trig board
With its dual classification of steps and the availability of up to 12 ordinarily adjacent cells and 12 extended adjacent cells, the Trigonal board offers a versatile arena for piece design.
This page looks at adapting the FIDE pieces and gives an estimate of their value on a 128 cell trigonal board (Diagram 1). See also Delta Chess
There are several companion pages dealing with non-FIDE pieces:
Special thanks must go to Joe Joyce for his insight and inspiration in opening up and developing this topic.
King (Guard)
The King's move is described as a single step in any direction and may also be termed a Guard's move.
On a square board this move can be broken down into an orthogonal step (a Wazir's move) and a diagonal step (a Ferz' move).
On a trigonal board we can further distinguish between a-step and e-step Wazir, and i-step and p-step Ferz.
There is also the choice to be made between keeping to the unextended (u-) adjacent trigs or allowing the use of the extended (x-) adjacent cells.
What were two components on a board with square cells are now eight on the trigonal board, and may be referred to as:
- ua-step
- xa-step
- ue-step
- xe-step
- ui-step
- xi-step
- up-step
- xp-step
Diagrams 2,3,4 and 5 illustrate these components for a piece standing on the red trig. Light blue trigs are the reachable unextended adjacent trigs, while dark blue are the reachable extended.
Diagrm 6 shows the full King's (Guard) move.
For the purposes of adapting the FIDE pieces and estimating their value, I shall ignore the extended adjacent cells. The King's move on a trigonal board is thus demonstrated by the light-blue trigs in Diagrm 6.
On a square-based board the Knight's move may be described as a Ferz' move followed by a Wazir's in the same general direction - or,equivalently, vice-versa.
On a trigonal board, ignoring the extended adjacent cells, this translates to :
- a-step then i-step
- i-step then a-step
- e-step then p-step
- p-step then e-step
1 and 2 are equivalent, leading to 3 basic types of knights and 2 natural combinations, namely
Movement | Classification | Name |
a+i or i+a | Chromatic or ch-knight |
Knight-Crusader (Crusader) |
e+p | Edge or e-knight |
Knight-Errant |
p+e | Point or p-knight |
Knight-Paladin (Paladin) |
e+p and p+e | Connective or cv-knight |
Knight-Victor (Victor) |
e+p and p+e and (a+i or i+a) |
Complete or co-knight |
Knight-Companion (Companion) |
See Diagrams 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
- The Paladin was first described by Joe Joyce in this comment
- Following Joe's suggestion, both the Knight-Errant and Paladin may be termed short knights (maximum cells attacked is 9) while the Companion might be termed a long knight (attacks a maximum of 18 cells).
The Bishop makes a series of Ferz' moves.
These may be i-ferz or p-ferz and the connecting point may remain constant or alternate. The resulting path made by the series of steps may be straight or curved.
Movement | Classification | Name |
xi-ferz | Constant Point Straight Path |
Dart |
p-ferz | Alternate Point Straight Path |
Abbot |
p-ferz | Constant Point Curved Path |
Gyrkin |
i-ferz or p-ferz |
Constant Point Straight Path |
Druid |
i-ferz or p-ferz |
Alternate Point Curved Path |
Sidewinder |
See Diagrams 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16.
- The Dart is a slider, the slide consisting of a series of steps between extended adjacent trigs. Movement can only be blocked by pieces that occupy a trig that is part of the slide.
- The Druid and the Sidewinder are colour-bound and are thus true trigonal analogues of the FIDE Bishop.
The Abbot and the Gyrkin are not colour-bound and could equally well be placed in the list of Rooks. They might best be considered a third type of slider where the steps are both a-wazir and p-ferz: perhaps Chaplains might be a good term for this intermediate class of sliders? - Gyrkin is a falconry term for the male Gyrfalcon, a bird of prey that flies in circular patterns as it casts for quarry.
The Rook makes a series of Wazir's moves.
These may be a-wazir or e-wazir and the connecting edge may remain constant or alternate. The resulting path made by the series of steps may be straight or curved.
Movement | Classification | Name |
xa-wazir | Constant Edge Curved Path |
Turret |
a-wazir or e_wazir |
Alternate Edge Straight Path |
Tower |
a-wazir or e-wazir |
Constant Edge Curved Path |
Dome |
a-wazir | Constant Edge Straight Path |
Spire |
a-wazir | Alternate Edge/Point Curved Path |
Belfry |
See Diagrams 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21.
to be continued